The Art of Living

Last night I recorded a podcast with a good friend perfectly titled, The Art of Living. Over the last couple years I’ve identified as an artist - defining and carving out my own path and style - so the theme of this convo was on point.  

While on this new journey of self-identity, I have realized much about living authentically. In the process I have let go of so many things - from outdated beliefs about myself and the world at-large, to my Facebook account. 

Like art, there is no one way to live. Just as there is no one way to express ourselves. We are all artists in this sense. Our uniqueness and differences are the colors we use to paint the picture of who we are as individuals.

Art is a result of the creative process.

Art is subjective; judgment of it depends on who you ask…

Art is intuitive, divine even..

...and so is life.