The Middle Way

If you scratch the surface of Buddhism, you will uncover a concept called The Middle Way; 

a philosophy teaching the importance of moderation, equilibrium, and the balancing of extremes. 

Sometimes we lean too much to the “right”,

or too much to the “left”. 

of course, “left” and “right” being place-holders for anything we indulge in. 

The fine print of indulging says that anything we indulge in, we have the potential to over-indulge in. Funny how that works. 

One reason I stepped away from Facebook is because of how addictive it is.



..not really interacting with much of what i’m seeing yet still thumbing the screen. 

There is a smorgasbord of addictions to choose from.. food (no pun intended), drugs, attention, sex, views, likes, shares, relationships, emotions, those burgers from Slutty Vegan.. pick your poison.  

Knowing where the center lies is important. 

Being able to return to neutral is essential.

Here we find recovery, relief, inspiration, and perspective.

Here we find respite from the turbulence of extremes.